Wood workshop

Does your company work with wood?

Does your company produce wood? At our professional carpentry and woodworking workshop, you get access to a wide selection of machines, flexible workstations for assembly, sales of materials and much more.


The prices below are indicative. Contact us and let us calculate the right price depending on your needs and number of employees.

Billede af Trifoliums selskabslokaler med fleksible prisstrukturer, der giver mulighed for skræddersyede løsninger og god værdi for pengene.
4,250 kr/month excl. VAT
Access all days of the week 24/7
Billede af Trifoliums selskabslokaler med fleksible prisstrukturer, der giver mulighed for skræddersyede løsninger og god værdi for pengene.
2,800 kr/month excl. VAT
Access weekdays after 16 and weekends


The prices you see here are indicative. Contact us and let us calculate the right price based on your needs and number of employees.

CNC milling machine, auto tool change

CNC milling machine

Format saw

Miter saw

Belt sander

Band saw

Thickness planer


Column drilling machine

Grinding table

Roller sander


Write your contact details below and we will find a day when you can come by and have a tour

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Bådehavnsgade 42K
2450 Copenhagen SW

Telephone: +45 53551515
Mail: info@trifo.dk

Opening hours (admin.):
Monday - Friday, 9-16

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